
New Customer Service Centre


Our Customer Service Centre has been upgraded with a cleaner, more intuitive, interface and a new ‘Community’ feature added to help us gather more feedback. The Customer Service Centre is still accessed by selecting ‘Customer Service’ from the main menu on the website.

Many of the common questions are addressed in the Customer Service Centre and we welcome new suggestions by posting them via the Community feature. If a question isn’t answered in the Customer Service Centre, a support ticket can be opened by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ option at the top of the page or by emailing


Office closure

The administration office will be closed on Friday September 28th, 2012 whilst it is relocated. Payments may continue to be left at the security booths or with reception at the Lagoon Court office. For customer service enquiries please email or use the ‘Report a concern’ feature via the website. To check account balances please log in to view your account on line. For emergencies, please call security 327-6943 and for all other enquiries messages may be left with reception by calling 702-3110.

Updated contact information will be posted on the contacts page once the relocation is complete.



Please be advised that we have not been informed by BTC when our telephone lines will be functioning normally again. Therefore please email or use the ‘Report a concern’ tab to the side of the page to contact the office. Alternatively we may be contacted by Skype or on our US phone number, details of which can be found here.

**** Update June 22, 2012 – normal service has resumed.


Customer service

We have enhanced the ‘Report a concern’ ticketing system on our website to provide an integrated solution that allows all support queries to be tracked through a single unified process. Support requests can be created with any of the following methods:

  1. By clicking on the ‘Report a concern’ tab to the right
  2. By accessing the ‘Customer service’ panel from the top menu then by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ option
  3. By emailing with your address and message

The ticketing system has been successful to date and the benefits of using this method to report concerns include:

  1. Being faster since the system is designed to receive, track and progress chase to completion
  2. Creating visibility to what concerns are in progress and what stage they are at
  3. Not waiting for voice messages to be passed to the right department

However, we recognize that it is not always practical to report concerns electronically so our staff will open a support ticket if the information is called in and the query cannot be handled immediately.

In the coming weeks, the ‘Customer service’ section will be populated with helpful information so it may be worth checking before opening a new ticket in the event that your query may already be answered. Finally, those tickets created using the previous system will remain accessible until they are solved and closed.


Announcements Policies

Employees of the US Embassy

Residents that are employees of the US Embassy are required to channel any concerns related to property within Sandyport via the General Services Office who should report the same to the Landlord of their property. The Landlord should in turn report any matters that the Association is responsible for via it’s website for processing.

The Association will not accept any reports from US Embassy employees other than by the process described above.

Announcements News

Painting requests

We have added painting requests to the tools available on this website.

The option is available under the new ‘Tools’ menu which now contains the most popular tools used by Sandyport residents.


100 Day management summary

Ownership of the Association transferred to Property Owners (Owners) in January of 2010 and the new Board appointed a General Manager to replace Mr. Glinton in June 2010. This document provides an overview of some the changes that have taken place under new management during the first 100 days.

Download 2010 interim income statement and budget here


The Association employs approximately 70 personnel in the following divisions:

  • Security  –  Protects property and people
  • Gardening  –  Maintains common areas and private gardens
  • General Maintenance  –  Electrical, pool, painting, waste disposal, repairs
  • Water & Sewerage  –  Maintains the water supply and sewerage system
  • Administration  –  Day-to-day management and accounts

Management reorganized the personnel into clearly defined departments, each with their own Supervisors. A clear chain of command now ensures accountability within each department. During the reorganization process, certain staff have been repositioned to other departments or terminated for reasons of status, misconduct or redundancy.

All employees have received and signed the 28 page Employee Handbook which they are expected to abide by and new employees are hired under the following standards:

  1. Initial selection and first interview is conducted by the Supervisor
  2. If the candidate passes the first interview, their file is processed by our Security department who carries out thorough background checks and validates all the necessary supporting documents including:
    1. Passport / driver’s licence
    2. Police record (no more than 6 months old)
    3. Written references
  3. If the candidate is cleared by Security, they have a second interview with the General Manager in the presence the Supervisor
  4. If the candidate is successful, they are required to sign the following documents before commencing employment:
    1. Employee Handbook
    2. Job Description
    3. Employment Agreement

In order to ensure that personnel remain on property and available to perform their tasks, procedures have been implemented via the security department to control exit from the property via the main entrance. In addition radio handsets have been issued to Supervisors and a Progress Chaser patrols the grounds ensuring that outstanding tasks are followed through to completion and observing any inappropriate performance or behavior.


Tasks are self-created (internally by the Association) or generated by the Owners. A website was launched to help improve communication between the Association and it’s Owners. Apart from providing regular news and updates, the website is primarily used for the submission of any concerns that Owners may have. A task (hereinafter to referred to as “job”) is created by posting a concern at the website which opens a web based ‘job ticket’ and notifies the Administrator of it’s existence. The job ticket is distributed to the appropriate Supervisor and copied to the Progress Chaser. As a job progresses through each stage, updates are noted on the job ticket and the reporting party is notified of any changes to the job ticket status. The Progress Chaser follows up with the Supervisor on the job status and reports it back to the Administrator. The job ticket remains open until the job is confirmed as completed and is then closed.

The website is also used for the following purposes:

  • Trimming requests
  • Booking a pool for a function
  • Providing feedback via an ongoing survey
  • Permitting feedback on individual posts

Self-generated tasks are tracked using a different specialized project/task tracking system that does not require an exchange between the Association and it’s Owners. Examples may include projects such as the conversion of a lift station, which requires a number of steps involving different departments. The point of importance, however, is that however they are created the jobs and tasks are recognized, recorded, executed and concluded.

A biometric scanning system now ensures the accurate recording of property-based personnel’s time and attendance. Personnel are required to be at their place of work on time; therefore they must punch in earlier and punch out later. This has led to increased productivity by eliminating transit time on Association payroll. A small software upgrade will soon reduce the time taken to process payroll from hours to minutes.

The office has been equipped with a new server with integrated and remote (off site) backup. All administrative personnel can communicate via their own email address, which has helped the speed and efficiency by which matters can be dealt with. The main entrance is also equipped with a high-speed internet connection to further improve communications and productivity of that department as well as permit the transmission of time and attendance data to the main office.


We have amended some of the processes within the billing operation:

  • Water meters are read quarterly and interim bills are made monthly, saving time for the Association and meter reading charges for the Owners
  • The water charges are invoiced, instead of being added as a statement charge
  • The invoices continue to be sent 15 days before the due date, but the statements will now be sent at the start of the month to serve as a reminder for payment
  • The process to follow up with overdue payments has been redefined and we have observed immediate cashflow improvements
  • A third party collections company has been engaged to take over unresolved accounts, their charges are added to the due balance and collected by them

As a result of these measures, receivables are down to $267,784 in July 2010, compared to $404,040 as at December 31, 2009.

Tighter controls have been implemented on purchases:

  • All goods and services ordered require a signed Purchase Order
  • Incoming bills are first matched with a Purchase Order, signed by the General Manager before they are posted on to the ledger
  • The use of petty cash is discouraged
  • Routine payment runs have been established – bills approved Tuesday, posted Wednesday and due bills processed for payment Thursday

We have started the process of measuring all the homes in Sandyport to ascertain the accurate total square footage in order to determine the correct cost per square foot. The exercise should be complete by November 2010.

There are still a large number of share certificates either awaiting collection or awaiting preparation. We are engaged in an on-going process of contacting Owners to either arrange to collect their certificates or to deliver their details so that certificates may be prepared.

Sandyport branded uniforms have been ordered for all maintenance and gardening personnel.

There are some notices yet to be posted on the website:

  • Speeding
  • Procedure for entering security in the evening (and the number for the service entrance)
  • Warning about pets and the rodent bait stations
  • Hurricane preparedness guide


The 2009 accounts have been reviewed and published on the website.

The 2010 interim accounts and budget are available here.

The following reporting mechanisms have been implemented:

  • Sewerage system daily inspections
  • Gardening inspections
  • Electrical requirements checklists

A fixed asset and parts register has been prepared, detailing the many pieces of equipment and materials previously unrecorded.

The boat register has been fully updated.

Security has a detailed list of contractors and their workers presently constructing in Sandyport.


The maintenance, treatment and fertilization of the main entrance landscaping has been outsourced to Gardens Nursery.

The gardening operation is now under a management contract with a landscaping company. The Association provides the tools and manpower, the management contract is structured to improve the overall appearance of the properties and common areas whilst keeping the costs controlled.

We have invested over $20,000 in a landscaping truck, trailer and commercial grade equipment to enable the gardening crew to work more efficiently. In addition we are now providing them with on location water and ice.

Much of the clearing of the lots in Phase V has been carried out. The remaining lots within the property are soon to be cleared and all debris removed.

We have taken the decision and notified Owners that we do not service vegetation above 6’ for reasons of safety.

Many of the blind spots caused by vegetation have been cleared.

General Maintenance

The expansion of the rodent pest control solution was overdue. We have appointed an alternative pest control company and increased the coverage by 300%. Dog traps have been set and a notice advising Owners posted to the website.

The bridges and garbage areas were recently painted. The security booth by the canal has been renovated and is due to have a replacement air conditioning unit installed. The security booth at the main entrance now has a functioning backup generator and is now fully air-conditioned.

Some of the tennis court fences were in need of repair and sections have been replaced. The resurfacing of the tennis courts is pending available budget.

Replacement street signs have been ordered and are expected imminently.

A new staff and storage facility is being constructed by the ‘satellite side’ of the property for the safekeeping of gardening tools and convenience facility for the gardening crew.

The slips at Sand Dollar Island are now numbered. The dock area will be renovated when the budget permits. Quotes are presently being obtained for wood, concrete and pea gravel solutions.

The pool maintenance has been outsourced to a third party contractor. Our maintenance crew performs daily checks and clears any debris. The contractor maintains the pools twice a week.

The painting schedule (for homes) has been accelerated and we have lowered the costs by purchasing Devoe Paints.

Other minor improvements:

  • The reconstruction of the curb at the main entrance
  • Installation of gate closers by the pools
  • Installation of new pool signs
  • Remedy drain problem at Governors Cay – this involved trenching from the main road to the canal, installing the drain and landscaping the damaged area
  • We have taken over the responsibility (from a group of dedicated Owners) of the maintenance and cleaning for the playground located by the sewer plant – there have been many small improvements recommended by the group that we have implemented for the sake of safety and appearance. The key lock is due to be replaced with a key code lock for easier control of access
  • Pyramids have been placed along the empty lot between Sandyport Drive and Happy Lane to deter motorists from using it as a short cut

Other improvements pending budget approval:

  • Replacement of the canal barrier
  • Replacement of the security office by Tamberley School
  • Resurfacing of the swimming pools

There are some vines wrapped around BEC power lines. BEC have confirmed those lines are dormant and due for dismantling.


Our Head of Security was on the evening shift for over a decade, she is now on the daytime shift where she has proven to be more productive.

We explored the possibility of outsourcing our security requirements to a third party. We decided against this and instead are planning to improve the training of our officers.

We are reviewing upgrading the transportation for security with new golf carts and possibly a patrol car.

There are certain upgrades for the CCTV system required pending budget availability.

We are in the process of costing out and assessing the viability of implementing a barcode scanning system for the automated entry of registered vehicles via the middle gate at the front entrance. The service would require Owners to pay separately for the service, so a vote will be carried out when the costs are known.

Water & Sewerage

The main sewerage plant is fed the sewerage through a network of drains and lift stations. The lift stations each contain 2 pumps that alternate to ensure that sewerage pumps to the plant. Of the 6 lift stations that the Association is responsible for, 5 use one system and 1 uses a different system. The latter has recently failed and we are using the opportunity to convert it (at a cost of about $20,000) so that all lift stations operate using similar pumping equipment. We presently own 2 failed pumps that may be refurbished and used as backup pumps for future failures whilst we await delivery of replacements.

Management is concerned about the overall condition of the sewerage system. We are therefore in the process of putting in place a management contract to oversee the maintenance of the lift stations and the sewer plant. Part of this process involves ensuring that all equipment is brought up to the necessary standard before the management contract can take effect. The details have yet to be confirmed by the proposed management company.

There is a grey water system that can distribute the treated water throughout the development. The cost to repair this may be extensive therefore the decision has been to defer the project for the time being.

To reduce the noise level at the sewer plant, a sound booth is being built around the blowers.

Since water is a net loss to the Association, it would be advantageous to both the Owners and the Association if Water & Sewage Corp. were to take over the water billing within Sandyport. We have tried but they are reluctant. At present we purchase at the higher commercial rate and do not recover the costs charged albeit that the rate is higher than the standard rate published by Water & Sewerage. The water provided in common areas for pools can explain some losses but others may be due to leaks in the system. In order to determine this we have embarked upon an exercise of isolating and pressure testing different parts of the development. We have not yet identified any leaks but the work is ongoing.

A final note

This document is not intended to be exhaustive, it is to provide the Association’s Owners some insight as to what we have been doing or planning. The Association is owned by the Owners, for the benefit of the Owners. This Management has been put in place by the Board of Directors to carry out the wishes of the Owners as a group. With the continued input of the Owners, we will be able to improve Sandyport.


New look, same functionality

An increasing number of Owners are learning about the existence of this website and have been using it as their primary form of communication, likely because they are home when the office is closed. We have added new tools to help make communicating with the Association easier and to provide information that we can act upon in order to make Sandyport a place of constant improvement.

We have received a lot of positive comments about the introduction of our job ticketing system which is the back office to the ‘Report a concern’ page. When a concern is reported, a job ticket is opened on the server and the Administrator is alerted. The details of the report are assigned to the supervisor of the appropriate division and as it progresses toward resolution, the updates are noted and sent to the person who filed the report. Only when the issue reported has been concluded is the job ticket closed. The closed job tickets are not deleted, they are archived in case they are required for future reference.

The new look of the website has been designed for easier navigation, putting the most important pages no more than one click away. We welcome any feedback or suggestions that we may incorporate into the site that would help to improve our service.

Please share this with other Owners.

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