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Happy Holidays from the HOA Board and Management

Dear Owners/Residents

The HOA Board and Management team would like to wish you and your family a Happy Holiday!

The HOA staff sends a big Thank you! for all the gifts, and treats! We are forever grateful.

The HOA office will be open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week at 8am.

Security Guide & Tips

* Call 327-6943 / 327-1967 Security Services to report anything that appears suspicious.
* Special care and monitoring of children and their outdoor activities are encouraged, particularly in common areas.
* Be aware of your surroundings. When traveling home at night, be vigilant to ensure that you are not being followed. If you suspect that you are being followed, please stop at the security gate. This is particularly important for residents who may normally utilize the automatic entry system; do not use it under these circumstances.
* Drivers of vehicles with dark tinted glass should open their windows when stopping at the Security gate so that personnel can check that the occupants are not under duress. When there are guests following you home, please give Security Services their names. Also, inform your guest to stop at the Security gate and not to enter directly after you.
* Ensure all valuable items are secured and all doors are locked to prevent easy access into your homes.
* Provide Security Services with guest lists for any incoming persons in order to prevent delays or inconveniencing them.
* Notify Security Services if your property is going to be vacant over the holidays, you may send instructions using our going away ( service.
* Please be reminded that worker identification badges and free vehicle decals expire December 31st, 2023.
* No Construction work permitted from December 23rd 2023 thru January 1st, 2024. All Construction work may resume on January 2nd, 2024.

* Business hours during the Holiday season:

Christmas Day, Dec 25th – closed (Holiday) Dec 22nd, 29th – 8am – 12 noon (half day)
Boxing Day, Dec 26th – closed (Holiday)
New Years Day January 1st, 2024 – Closed (Holiday)

Business resumes as normal on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024. In the event of emergencies outside of business hours, please contact 327-6943 or 327-1967.


New Customer Service Centre


Our Customer Service Centre has been upgraded with a cleaner, more intuitive, interface and a new ‘Community’ feature added to help us gather more feedback. The Customer Service Centre is still accessed by selecting ‘Customer Service’ from the main menu on the website.

Many of the common questions are addressed in the Customer Service Centre and we welcome new suggestions by posting them via the Community feature. If a question isn’t answered in the Customer Service Centre, a support ticket can be opened by selecting the ‘Submit a request’ option at the top of the page or by emailing



Please be advised that we have not been informed by BTC when our telephone lines will be functioning normally again. Therefore please email or use the ‘Report a concern’ tab to the side of the page to contact the office. Alternatively we may be contacted by Skype or on our US phone number, details of which can be found here.

**** Update June 22, 2012 – normal service has resumed.

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