In order to create a consistent look across the development, effective July 1, 2011 trimming will be scheduled on demand by zone as set out in the trimming requests page.
The Board of Directors has revised the policy concerning height limit to which trimming services are provided. Trimming shall be performed on vegetation to a height limit of 7’ except for palm trees, which are not subject to the same restriction.
Download 2010 interim income statement and budget here
The Association employs approximately 70 personnel in the following divisions:
Management reorganized the personnel into clearly defined departments, each with their own Supervisors. A clear chain of command now ensures accountability within each department. During the reorganization process, certain staff have been repositioned to other departments or terminated for reasons of status, misconduct or redundancy.
All employees have received and signed the 28 page Employee Handbook which they are expected to abide by and new employees are hired under the following standards:
In order to ensure that personnel remain on property and available to perform their tasks, procedures have been implemented via the security department to control exit from the property via the main entrance. In addition radio handsets have been issued to Supervisors and a Progress Chaser patrols the grounds ensuring that outstanding tasks are followed through to completion and observing any inappropriate performance or behavior.
Tasks are self-created (internally by the Association) or generated by the Owners. A website was launched to help improve communication between the Association and it’s Owners. Apart from providing regular news and updates, the website is primarily used for the submission of any concerns that Owners may have. A task (hereinafter to referred to as “job”) is created by posting a concern at the website which opens a web based ‘job ticket’ and notifies the Administrator of it’s existence. The job ticket is distributed to the appropriate Supervisor and copied to the Progress Chaser. As a job progresses through each stage, updates are noted on the job ticket and the reporting party is notified of any changes to the job ticket status. The Progress Chaser follows up with the Supervisor on the job status and reports it back to the Administrator. The job ticket remains open until the job is confirmed as completed and is then closed.
The website is also used for the following purposes:
Self-generated tasks are tracked using a different specialized project/task tracking system that does not require an exchange between the Association and it’s Owners. Examples may include projects such as the conversion of a lift station, which requires a number of steps involving different departments. The point of importance, however, is that however they are created the jobs and tasks are recognized, recorded, executed and concluded.
A biometric scanning system now ensures the accurate recording of property-based personnel’s time and attendance. Personnel are required to be at their place of work on time; therefore they must punch in earlier and punch out later. This has led to increased productivity by eliminating transit time on Association payroll. A small software upgrade will soon reduce the time taken to process payroll from hours to minutes.
The office has been equipped with a new server with integrated and remote (off site) backup. All administrative personnel can communicate via their own email address, which has helped the speed and efficiency by which matters can be dealt with. The main entrance is also equipped with a high-speed internet connection to further improve communications and productivity of that department as well as permit the transmission of time and attendance data to the main office.
As a result of these measures, receivables are down to $267,784 in July 2010, compared to $404,040 as at December 31, 2009.
Tighter controls have been implemented on purchases:
We have started the process of measuring all the homes in Sandyport to ascertain the accurate total square footage in order to determine the correct cost per square foot. The exercise should be complete by November 2010.
There are still a large number of share certificates either awaiting collection or awaiting preparation. We are engaged in an on-going process of contacting Owners to either arrange to collect their certificates or to deliver their details so that certificates may be prepared.
Sandyport branded uniforms have been ordered for all maintenance and gardening personnel.
There are some notices yet to be posted on the website:
The following reporting mechanisms have been implemented:
A fixed asset and parts register has been prepared, detailing the many pieces of equipment and materials previously unrecorded.
The boat register has been fully updated.
Security has a detailed list of contractors and their workers presently constructing in Sandyport.
The gardening operation is now under a management contract with a landscaping company. The Association provides the tools and manpower, the management contract is structured to improve the overall appearance of the properties and common areas whilst keeping the costs controlled.
We have invested over $20,000 in a landscaping truck, trailer and commercial grade equipment to enable the gardening crew to work more efficiently. In addition we are now providing them with on location water and ice.
Much of the clearing of the lots in Phase V has been carried out. The remaining lots within the property are soon to be cleared and all debris removed.
We have taken the decision and notified Owners that we do not service vegetation above 6’ for reasons of safety.
Many of the blind spots caused by vegetation have been cleared.
Other minor improvements:
Other improvements pending budget approval:
There are some vines wrapped around BEC power lines. BEC have confirmed those lines are dormant and due for dismantling.
For reasons of safety, the Association is not responsible for providing trimming services above those that can be provided at ground level without additional equipment. We would like Owners to be advised that trimming services are limited to heights of 6′ to prevent employee accidents while using a ladder. Owners with vegetation above this height should notify management and may arrange for it to be trimmed down to 6′ or should employ their own staff to maintain above the 6′ threshold.
We would also like to point out that since coconuts are normally above 6′ from the ground, the Association is not responsible for their removal.
Lawns that are discolored, slow-growing, or have invading weeds or other pest problems may not be properly fertilized. Fertilizer is important for healthy, vigorous plant growth and development. Because many of the required nutrients for turfgrass are found naturally in the soil, fertilization practices focus on the supply of three primary nutrients — nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Nitrogen is the only nutrient that turfgrass needs on a regular basis. Lawns may occasionally be deficient in iron, and fertilizers containing iron may be supplemented. As nitrogen is applied, both root and shoot growth increases. If too much nitrogen is applied too frequently, shoots will continue to grow yet root growth will slow, leaving the turf vulnerable to problems.
Insect feeding can cause grass to turn yellow or brown, or die, especially if the grass is already stressed. Damage usually begins in small, scattered patches, which may merge into large dead areas. However, lack of proper cultural care and use of inappropriate grass species in a particular location are more likely responsible for unhealthy or dying lawns than insects.Disease-causing pathogens, excessive or inappropriate use of chemicals such as fertilizers and herbicides, and dog urine also produce damage resembling that of insects. Before taking any insect control action, be sure that it is insects causing the problem and not something else.
Since the Association is not responsible for pest control, treatment nor the fertilisation of private gardens, it is advisable for owners to implement a good pest control and fertilization regime using a specialist firm. For further information concerning garden care click here.
We would like to advise that we are planning to trim the hedges at the intersections where they are creating blind spots. If you have any concerns in this regard, please contact Mrs. Johnson at the office.
The work will be carried out during the first week of August.
Trimming is performed on request, so we have made it easier for you to book the trimming service by clicking on the “Report a concern” sub-menu.
Simply complete the basic information required and press ‘send’ and our gardening department will be notified accordingly.
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