In a rare opportunity for the public to meet the Commissioner of Police and a popular Member of Parliament whose path to politics was inspired by a crime that touched his life, Bahamian Forum announced today that it will host a public discussion on crime next week.
“Crime is the number one issue on the minds of people in this country,” said Dr. David Allen, founder of Bahamian Forum. “It is not only crime that hurts us as a people, but the fear of crime that cripples us as a society. Because it is so important, we have chosen crime as the very first topic to be discussed as we mark the re-launch of Bahamian Forum. I am very pleased to announce that our speakers will be Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade and Member of Parliament for Bamboo Town Branville McCartney, former chairman of the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce Crime Committee.
The event, Bahamian Forum, Crime Uncorked, will take place on Wednesday, July 7, at Barnacles “formerly the Oyster Bar”, Sandyport, West Bay Street beginning at 7 p.m.. Waterfront seating will be set up to accommodate the anticipated crowd.
This will be the first Bahamian Forum to be held at a waterfront setting, and an opportunity to get up close and personal with the Commissioner of Police who is trying very hard to combat this epidemic in our nation and with Bran McCartney who has been outspoken about the hidden costs of crime to us and our need to be part of the solution,” said Dr. Allen, who spent the past two years studying and tracking the impact of crime on Bahamians. An internationally recognised psychiatrist, author and popular speaker, Dr. Allen founded Bahamian Forum, described as a national think-tank, in 1985 to provide an open platform for timely topics. Past sessions have ranged from the place of sports heroes to the Mudd and Pigeon Pea, an in-depth look at immigration issues.
The next session will focus on education including the rights and responsibilities of parents. That date will be announced later, but will be prior to the start of the school year.
Seating for the July 7 event is limited and interested persons are advised to arrive early.