Announcements News

Tenant or vehicle changes


All residents are reminded of the procedure for obtaining and a decal and, of particular importance, what to do when  a vehicle bearing a decal is sold.

The automatic entry system works by reading a barcode that is attached to the right side of the vehicle at a height of about 50″ from the ground (plus or minus 12″) then automatically opening the barrier for authorised barcodes on entry only. The barcode is printed on a decal that will require application by our Security department and residents wishing to purchase them should observe the following guidelines:

  1. One decal needs to be applied per vehicle that requires automatic entry, therefore each additional vehicle requires the purchase of another decal
  2. To purchase a decal first pay the $50 one-time non-refundable fee at the Management office, you will be issued with a receipt containing the barcode number which will need to be presented on installation
  3. Contact our Security department on 327 6943 and arrange a time to apply the decal
  4. During installation, the Security department will confirm the location of the decal with the driver, test that the position works with the reader then apply it upon confirmation
  5. If the decal becomes damaged, a replacement decal may be purchased (no exchanges)
  6. The decals are not designed to be transferred from one vehicle to another as they will become damaged in the process; therefore if a vehicle is being replaced, allow for the purchase of a replacement decal
  7. If the vehicle is sold or no longer requires automatic entry, notify our Security department so that the barcode number may be deregistered from the system, thereby disabling the vehicle’s ability to enter automatically

The property transfer form should always be completed in the event of a change of ownership or tenancy.

Announcements News

2012 Financial Statements


The Audited Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2012 are available for download here.

Announcements Policies

Deadline for submission of proxies

The deadline for the submission of proxy forms for the forthcoming Extraordinary General Meeting expires at close of business on Friday the 12th day of April A.D. 2013 (Article 46), proxy forms received after 4pm of this date will be invalid.

We would like to remind all members attending the EGM in person to be in possession of their share certificate and ensure that their account is in good standing in order to be eligible to vote (Article 43). Voting will be by a show of hands in accordance with the Articles of Association.

We are in possession of share certificates prepared but not yet collected by various members. If you are member of the Association that is not in possession of a share certificate, please email with your Sandyport address information to check on it’s status.

It should be noted that share certificates may fall into one of the following categories:

Pending – we are awaiting owner verification (e.g. copy of conveyance)
Prepared – the certificate is awaiting collection
Issued – the certificate has been issued to the owner of record

Download notice and proxy forms



Lawn chemical application

Please be advised that we will be carrying out a chemical application around the common areas of the development commencing Wednesday April 10, 2013.

For safety reasons, signs will be placed in the areas being treated and we would ask that parents and pet owners pay particular attention to the affected areas.


Canal entrance – dredging update

Work was stopped by the Authorities following a complaint concerning the environmental impact of the dredging to clear the canal inlet. Our legal team are working with the appropriate Government Departments and as soon as we receive the necessary clearance(s), work will resume.

We apologise for any inconvenience this causes, however we must comply with any orders issued by the Government.

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