
Complimentary owner guide


A new Sandyport Owner Guide is now available for collection from the security booth at the main entrance to Sandyport. One complimentary copy is available per property and may be collected by the owner or authorized representative, we simply require each copy to be signed for. Additional copies may be purchased from the Administration office for $15 each.

The Guide attempts to provide a user friendly means of navigating around the various rules, regulations and policies that govern our Community. A copy of the standard form of legal documents  that typically forms part of a conveyance is also included for convenience.

The Guide covers the most important aspects of the Community and the responsibilities of Owners and the Association. It is highly recommended for all Owners to have on hand for easy reference, even if it is not read cover to cover. For those Owners that are Landlords, we recommend purchasing additional copies for their Tenants.


Lawn chemical application

Please be advised that we will be carrying out a chemical application around the common areas of the development commencing Wednesday January 22, 2014.

For safety reasons, signs will be placed in the areas being treated and we would ask that parents and pet owners pay particular attention to the affected areas.


Lawn chemical application

Please be advised that we will be carrying out a chemical application around the common areas of the development commencing Wednesday January 15, 2014.

For safety reasons, signs will be placed in the areas being treated and we would ask that parents and pet owners pay particular attention to the affected areas.


Unidentified payments

We are in receipt of a number of payments that we have been unable to identify and are held pending verification.

Please review the dates and amounts of the transactions below and log in to check if any are missing from your account. If so, please contact us with confirmation of the payment transmission so that we may credit the balance to your account. Please note that there may be a difference between the transmission amount and the amount shown below due to bank charges (normally associated with international transfers):

Date Amount
02/15/2011  1,509.88
08/09/2011  643.27
10/18/2011  288.86
12/09/2011  29.97
02/10/2012  1,200.00
05/30/2012  3,037.34
06/13/2012  57.78
06/21/2012  966.18
07/02/2012  230.00
08/09/2012  300.17
12/04/2012  350.00
02/12/2013  480.00
09/30/2013  509.10
10/29/2013  1,371.60
12/20/2013  970.66
12/20/2013  5,938.88
12/24/2013  1,020.66
12/31/2013  219.94

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