

If you are having a hospital birth, one of the first interventions you will face is an IV. Most commonly, a doctor might want to give you antibiotics if you have tested positive for Group B Strep* (in the US at least) or if you have another communicable illness; Pitocin to induce or augment labor or to help prevent hemorrhage in the third stage of labor; or fluids to help keep you hydrated or in preparation for surgery. The downside to having an IV is that it tethers you. If you plan to have an epidural, that doesn’t really matter, but if you seek a natural birth it can make things harder. It doesn’t make movement impossible, but it does make it more difficult – just turning over from a side-lying position to being on all fours in bed is trickier, because you get tangled.

Many docs and midwives in hospitals will at least consider inserting an IV lock, which gives you freedom of movement but allows for the speedy administration of an IV if it becomes necessary, accordingly to . For my own last birth, I would have preferred not to have one at all – I was GBS-, laboring fast and hard, and kept drinking throughout. I had decided it was a ‘battle not worth fighting’ though, and agreed to the IV lock when I was admitted. It took five goes (five BIG bruises) to insert the lock and perhaps 10 minutes of trying. I have a lovely big blue juicy veins too – except when I’m in labor. They vanish during contractions. That made me understand more fully why a care provider might feel more comfortable with a laboring mom who agrees to an IV-lock!

* In the US, mothers who are GBS+ are routinely administered 2 doses of antibiotics via IV during labor. GBS is a bacteria that colonize the vagina, just as other kinds of bacteria colonize the gut or the skin. It is not harmful to the mother, and it is rarely transmitted to the baby. However, when it IS transmitted, it can cause very serious illness and death. Medics treat GBS+ mothers differently in different countries.


Notice of the Annual General Meeting 2018

To: The shareholders of 
Sandyport Homeowners Association Limited

            Take Notice that the Annual General Meeting of the Company will take place at the Gazebo located in Phase 5 (adjacent to the pond) on Thursday March 22nd, 2018 commencing at 5:30pm.

Forms of Proxy are hereby circulated to shareholders for those who wish to have someone else represent them or to cast their vote. On completion of the form of proxy, same should also be sent to the Secretary via the Office on or before Thursday the 8th day of March A.D. 2018. Where shares are held by companies, the company must send in a form of proxy designating an individual to cast the vote on its behalf.

Forms of Proxy are hereby circulated to shareholders for those who wish to have someone else represent them or to cast their vote. On completion of the form of proxy, same should also be sent to the Secretary via the Office on or before Thursday the 8th day of March A.D. 2018. Where shares are held by companies, the company must send in a form of proxy designating an individual to cast the vote on its behalf.

Nominations to serve on the Board of Directors will be accepted until Thursday March 8th, 2018. Nominations should be made by email to and include a short biography together with a photograph.

Shareholders who are joint owners or owners as tenants-in-common must send in to the Company Secretary (in care of the office) in writing the name of the shareholder who they have authorised to cast the vote on behalf of the said joint owners or tenants – in –common.

Dated this February 8th, 2018

Robert Sands

Download notice and proxy forms




  1. The Chairman will call the meeting to order.
  2. It will be determined whether the requirements for a quorum have been satisfied.
  3. To review and adopt the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of the Company.
  4. To elect Three (3) Shareholders to serve as Directors of the Company for a period of Two (2) years (Article no. 25).
  5. To review the audited Financial Statements for the financial year ending December 31st, 2017.
  6. To consider and approve the Budget for the financial year 2018.
  7. To receive, consider and adopt the report of the Directors.
  8. To approve of the appointment of auditors for the ensuing year and to authorize the Directors to fix the remuneration of the Auditors.


  1. Any shareholder entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Company shall be entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in the members stead and the proxy holder need not be a member of the Company.
  2. Proxies shall be either left at the Sandyport Management Office in Olde Towne, or communicated to the General Manager, via email. Proxies must be received at least fourteen (14) days before the start of the meeting (Article no. 46).
  3. Election of Directors shall be by secret ballot. Every member present in person or by proxy shall have one vote for each share held.

Beach Lane parking

Following the expansion and completion of the Beach Lane parking lot, each unit has been assigned a parking space which is numbered in accordance with the plans.

A copy of the plans may be downloaded from here.


Unidentified payments

We are in receipt of a number of payments that we have been unable to identify and are held pending verification. Please review the dates and amounts of the transactions below and log in to check if any are missing from your account. If so, please contact us with confirmation of the payment transmission so that we may credit the balance to your account. Please note that there may be a difference between the transmission amount and the amount shown below due to bank charges (normally associated with international transfers):

Date  Amount
16-Jan-18  2,089.50
22-Dec-17  1,635.00
15-Nov-17  2,487.50
20-Oct-17  361.20
20-Sep-17  251.56
21-Aug-17  55.32
7-Jul-17  600.00
29-Mar-17  500.00
12-Oct-16  57.47
17-Aug-16  20.04
5-Apr-16  2,146.03
11-Mar-16  3,028.47
27-Nov-15  363.84
21-Oct-15  0.22
22-Sep-15  353.22
1-Jun-15  692.77
31-Mar-15  293.00
3-Oct-14  484.69
14-Jul-14  60.00
3-Jun-14  613.91
2-Jun-14  350.00
25-Feb-14  575.00
8-Jan-14  1,194.84
20-Dec-13  5,938.88
12-Feb-13  480.00
9-Aug-12  300.17
2-Jul-12  230.00
21-Jun-12  966.18
13-Jun-12  57.78
30-May-12  3,037.34
10-Feb-12  1,200.00
9-Dec-11  29.97
18-Oct-11  288.86
9-Aug-11  643.27
15-Feb-11  1,509.88

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