
Beach Lane parking

Following the expansion and completion of the Beach Lane parking lot, each unit has been assigned a parking space which is numbered in accordance with the plans.

A copy of the plans may be downloaded from here.


Beach Lane parking

Following the expansion and completion of the Beach Lane parking lot, each unit has been assigned a parking space which is numbered in accordance with the plans.

A copy of the plans may be downloaded from here.

Announcements News

Beach Lane Parking Lot Closure

To all residents 

Please be advised that Island Pavers will be installing a sealant on the Northern Side of the Beach Lane parking lot commencing Friday August 18th,2017 at 8am. This process will last until Monday August 21st, at 8am. Please ensure all vehicles and private property is removed and placed on the Southern side of the parking lot or in one of our common area parking spaces. Please refrain from driving or walking in this area until this process is completed. Should you require any further information or assistance with relocating your vehicle please contact our security department at 327-6943 select the #1 and then selected #1 again. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in this process.

Announcements Policies

Parking violation penalties

parking violation

In August 2012 the Association started enforcement procedures for vehicles parked on Sandyport Drive, other than in designated parking areas. Residents have generally been co-operative however infractions are ongoing.

The Board has determined that parking offenders will be fined $25 for each violation after an initial warning. The effective date for implementation of this enforcement measure is October 1, 2013. It should be noted that vehicles parked on private property but encroaching on Sandyport Drive will be subject to the same penalty. Security Services personnel will endeavor to work with residents in the first instance to ensure as far as possible that penalties are avoided.


Policy clarification

Water disconnections

It is our policy to disconnect water supplies on accounts that are 60 days past due provided that at least 10 days notice is first served. As a courtesy we serve at least 24 hours notice at the property as a final step prior to the physical disconnection after the proper notice has already been given. This policy is without prejudice to the rights of the Association under the terms of the license agreement.

Abandoned constructions

The restrictive covenants require that “No building or other structure shall remain unfinished for more than One (1) year after the same shall be commenced.” In the event that a construction site is deemed as abandoned and notwithstanding the obligation to pay the requisite maintenance fees, a new application to build will need to be resubmitted together with all government permits and other documents as outlined in the guidelines.

Parking on Sandyport Drive

The Association is planning the installation of a bicycle / pedestrian lane along Sandyport Drive for the safety of our children, cyclists and other non-motorists and it has requested the co-operation of all residents to park their vehicles in designated parking spaces. Accordingly, illegally parked vehicles – those that have been served with appropriate notice – will be disabled or towed.


Announcements Policies

Tambearly school drop off zone

Please be reminded that the time limit for dropping off or collecting children at the Tambearly school access within Sandyport is 5 minutes. We have created additional parking spaces in the area and vehicles should not be left unattended nor parked on the road or verge for the safety and consideration of other residents. Vehicles left unattended on this common area beyond the time limit will be clamped and the owner subjected to a $75 fee for it’s removal.

Announcements Policies

Use of vehicles on common roads

There have been numerous concerns raised about the use of unlicensed motorised vehicles, golf carts, go-carts and scooters within Sandyport that are not normally used on public roads. As such, we require all Sandyport residents that own such vehicles to follow these guidelines:

  1. All vehicles must be adequately insured against third party damage and injury
  2. All operators and drivers must hold a valid Bahamian driving license
  3. All drivers must act in a responsible manner so as to not be a hazard or nuisance to other residents

Failure to meet these guidelines will result in the vehicle being prohibited on common land, which includes the roadways, until further notice.




Security updates – April 2011

Warm Greetings to all of our Residents!

There are a few notices I would like for all residents to keep in mind in the upcoming weeks.

As the summer months are approaching, residents will be taking advantage of the beach. I want to advise all residents to be cautious, because the beach under the bridge leads to the road and is also used by the public. Residents should remain aware of their surroundings while on the beach and alert Security if there is someone that they are not comfortable with and we will call the police.

In addition, we are still having ongoing problems with residents not being considerate by not taking along a doggy bag and cleaning after their pets. We are asking residents to cooperate with us by being considerate in this matter. Please be advised that we are planning to install disposal stations in the coming weeks.

Please note that a Security Officer is posted at the Tambearly School entrance gate between the hours of 8am – 9am (during school days) to assist with traffic flow. We are asking parents who are dropping off children to assist us by moving their vehicle as quickly as possible after drop off or pick up. You will note that we recently imposed a 5 minute parking time limit in this area. We will be creating additional parking spaces in the near future to further ease congestion.

Finally, there is a concern that some residents are purchasing barcode stickers to give to their family members who do not reside in Sandyport. This is an unsafe practice and we will refuse applications and disable barcodes that are found to be used by non-residents.

Sarah Barton – Head of Security


Announcements Policies

Tambearly School access

We are experiencing problems with the traffic flow around the Sandyport entrance to Tambearly School during drop off and pick up times.

In order to ease congestion, we are limiting the parking in the area to 5 minutes. We would like to remind non-residents that they will not be permitted entrance to Sandyport for the purposes of accessing Tambearly School.


Announcements Policies

Use of carports

The Board has decided against removing the carports and instead the Association will maintain them and recover the cost by implementing a usage fee of $150 per annum per carport space. The spaces shall be allocated on a first paid, first served basis with the exception that existing habitual users of carport spaces shall be given first preference provided that payment is made in full before March 14, 2011.

The spaces are numbered in accordance with the sequence below starting from the West and heading East. The program becomes effective March 1, 2011 therefore the initial payment shall be for a 10 month period ($125), expiring December 31, 2011. Thereafter, the usage fee is applicable annually and payment is required prior to the expiration date for each period. Unauthorised vehicles parked in any of these locations shall be subject to removal and storage charges.

To start the application process, please complete the form below and the office will contact you to finalise arrangements.

    Your Name

    Your Email (required)

    Address (required)

    Vehicle license number (required)

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