Tag: agm
The Annual General Meeting will take place at the Gazebo located in Phase 5 (adjacent to the pond) on Thursday June 9th, 2023.
voting extended hours 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Zoom meeting commencing at 5:30pm
Nominations for the 2023 vacancies on the Board of Directors close May 25th, 2023 (Article no. 52) and the deadline for the submission of proxy forms also closes March 25th, 2023 (Article no. 46).
Jacques Carlino
Jacques Carlino is a resident of Sandyport. Jacques was born in France of Italian parents.
Jacques completed his culinary and catering studies in France but spent most his career managing and owning Michelin Stars restaurants in London including The Square in Mayfair and the Ledbury in Notting Hill. During his career in London Jacques was voted as one of the most influential people in the restaurant industry by the Financial Times and the Sunday Times.
He emigrated with his wife from London to the Bahamas in 2007. He has two children ages 9 and 11. Jacques is the owner of Blue Sail Restaurant located on the Sandyport beach and Blue Caviar catering.
Jacques has always been supportive of local charities and gives generously every year. Jacques has served on the Board of Directors of several communities in France and is familiar with the requirements for being an effective Board Member.
Adrien Asesio
Adrien Asesio is an entrepreneur and business engineer who has been living on Coral Beach Road in Sandyport for the past 10 years. He has past experience as board member of several sportive associations, as well as also serving a term on the board of an HOA in Florida, and would like the opportunity to put his experience in service of our community.
Antionette Turnquest
Current Director
Antionette has played a vital role in ensuring the Sandyport employees and Residents are in a good condition. We have made years of progress due to her human resources and critical thinking skills. She has proven to be an asset to the Sandyport Community. She needs your support to allow her to continue her work and bring an essential balance to the team of directors.
Costa Berdanis
Current Director
Costa brings a wealth of knowledge to the team. Due to his extensive knowledge on legal matters, restrictive covenants, and construction guidelines. He has assisted the HOA with knowledge of past and present issues, the HOA has dealt with, and how to successfully handle them. His role has proven vital. His engineering skills, and knowledge of construction, and development has assisted us to move towards innovation and growth with developing the Community for the better.
Marc Landry
Marc has been a resident of Sandyport since 2005 and has lived on Clipper Island and now King Fisher Island with his wife Melissa and two sons Maximilian and Zachary. He is very familiar with Sandyport and has enjoyed seeing its development and management over the last 18 years. He attended McGill University, Dale Carnegie Business seminars and graduated from Bishop’s University in 2004. He followed his passion for the outdoors and founded ProScape Bahamas Ltd. in 2012. As the General Manager, he has built ProScape Bahamas Ltd. as one of the leading landscape companies in The Bahamas. He has extensive experience on delivering projects with a high attention to detail. He believes in open communication, integrity, transparency, and team work are an essential part of every day life whether for work, sports or duties as a HOA Director. He believes he would be a valuable asset to the HOA. After work, he uses his spare time by assisting and supporting his sons’ sports endeavours in Golf and Baseball. He was also on the Board of Directors at BASRA (Bahamas Air Sea Rescue Association) for several years.
The Annual General Meeting will take place at the Gazebo located in Phase 5 (adjacent to the pond) on Thursday March 24th, 2022.
voting extended hours 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Zoom meeting commencing at 5:30pm
Nominations for the 2022 vacancies on the Board of Directors close March 16th, 2022 (Article no. 52) and the deadline for the submission of proxy forms also closes March 16th, 2022 (Article no. 46).
Robert Sands 
Robert “Sandy” Sands started his career at the Nassau Beach Hotel in 1971. He subsequently spent terms as General Manager at various hotels in the Caribbean and The Bahamas (Guyana Pegasus, Jamaica Pegasus, Carnival’s Crystal Palace Casino, Crystal Palace Riviera Tower (Formerly Cable Beach Hotel) and worked for three-years as Vice President & General Manager of the Nassau Wyndham Resort & Crystal Palace Casino before returning to the Nassau Beach Hotel in 2004. He holds a Bachelor of Applied Arts Degree in Hospitality Management and Tourism Administration from Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.
In 1993, he received the coveted Cacique “Hotelier of the Year” Award for his outstanding contributions to the development of tourism in The Bahamas. In 1997, he was awarded the Bahamas Silver Jubilee Medal for Tourism.
In May 2005, Baha Mar Ltd. announced the appointment of Robert Sands to Senior Vice President of Administration and External Relations. In this role, he assumed responsibility for the development and execution of Baha Mar’s government relations, corporate outreach initiatives, all government and external affairs, industrial relations and human capital programs.
Mr. Sands, 64, is the Honorary Consul General to Japan, President of The Bahamas Hotel Employer’s Association; the Past President and a Director of The Bahamas Hotel Association; Trustee both of The Hotel Industry Management and Allied Pension Funds; Past Chairman and Director of The Nassau/Cable Beach/Paradise Island Promotion Board; Member of the Advisory Board of the Salvation Army; Member of the Vestry, St. Christopher’s Anglican Church; Director, Elizabeth Estates Children’s Home. Mr. Sands holds various other Directorships in The Bahamas.
He is married to former Senator The Honourable Michelle Pindling-Sands. He has five children; Delano, Omar, Ashley, Lauren and Holly and one grandchild.
Served on Sandyport Homeowners Association Board since December 2012.
Michelle Rassin-Moodie 
Michele Rassin-Moodie has worked in the United States as well as the Bahamas, and gained extensive insight and experience in business management. Mrs. Moodie is currently Vice President at Ports International, a local medical supply company, and was previously Vice President of Operations at Doctors Hospital where she contributed greatly to the success of the Hospital.
Mrs. Moodie studied at the University of Miami where she acquired her Masters Degree in International Business, graduating with honors. Besides having a very strong business background, she exudes generosity and willingness to support her community. She has performed a great deal of community service over the years as a Past President of the Rotary Club of East Nassau and the Doctors Hospital Dr. Meyer Rassin Foundation.
She is a currently a Director of the Sandyport Homeowners Association, Director of the Doctors Hospital Dr. Meyer Rassin Foundation, Director of the Rotary Club of East Nassau, and past Director of the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce.
She is presently a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), member of the American Hospital Association (AHA), and a member of the American Society of Strategic Marketing & Development (SHSMD). Mrs. Moodie uses her keen business insight and experience to succeed in any business venture with expertise in Marketing, Healthcare, Strategic Planning, Operations and Business Administration.
Michele Rassin-Moodie is long time resident of Beach Lane, Sandyport, and is married to Brian Moodie of RMS Insurance Agents and Brokers. Mrs. Moodie has served on the Board since 2014.
Craig Lines 
Mr. Craig Lines has been a resident of Sandyport since 2007. He and his wife, Kim live on Governor’s Cay with their two teenage sons.
Craig previously served on the Sandyport Board in 2011. He holds degrees in Management and Economics and has worked in the financial markets for over twenty-five years. He currently serves as a board member on a number of public and private companies.
Craig enjoys the ocean, boating, water sports, skiing and tennis with his family and friends.
2020 Annual Report
Hard copies available at the Sandyport office.
2019 Annual Report
Hard copies available at the Sandyport office.
Dear Shareholders
A revised curfew having been imposed, extending from 7:00 pm to 5:00 am, by the Emergency Powers (COVID 19 Pandemic) (No. 3) Order, 2020, the Board has adjusted voting times from 12noon to 4:00 pm.
In order to preserve our community, recognizing the continuing social distance guidelines and restrictions on gatherings, and in light of the developing national situation, the Board has determined that there will be no formal meeting.
The Association’s Annual Report will be published and available on the Association’s website.
Board of Directors
The Annual General Meeting will take place at the Gazebo located in Phase 5 (adjacent to the pond) on Thursday July 30th, 2020.
voting extended hours 1:00pm to 5:00pm. meeting commencing at 5:30pm
Nominations for the 2020 vacancies on the Board of Directors close July 15th, 2020 (Article no. 52) and the deadline for the submission of proxy forms also closes July 15th, 2020 (Article no. 46).
Jacques Carlino 
Jacques Carlino is a resident of Sandyport. Jacques was born in France of Italian parents.
Jacques completed his culinary and catering studies in France but spent most his career managing and owning Michelin Stars restaurants in London including The Square in Mayfair and the Ledbury in Notting Hill. During his career in London Jacques was voted as one of the most influential people in the restaurant industry by the Financial Times and the Sunday Times.
He emigrated with his wife from London to the Bahamas in 2007. He has two children ages 9 and 11. Jacques is the owner of Blue Sail Restaurant located on the Sandyport beach and Blue Caviar catering.
Jacques has always been supportive of local charities and gives generously every year. Jacques has served on the Board of Directors of several communities in France and is familiar with the requirements for being an effective Board Member.
Michelle Rassin-Moodie 
Michele Rassin-Moodie has worked in the United States as well as the Bahamas, and gained extensive insight and experience in business management. Mrs. Moodie is currently Vice President at Ports International, a local medical supply company, and was previously Vice President of Operations at Doctors Hospital where she contributed greatly to the success of the Hospital.
Mrs. Moodie studied at the University of Miami where she acquired her Masters Degree in International Business, graduating with honors. Besides having a very strong business background, she exudes generosity and willingness to support her community. She has performed a great deal of community service over the years as a Past President of the Rotary Club of East Nassau and the Doctors Hospital Dr. Meyer Rassin Foundation.
She is a currently a Director of the Sandyport Homeowners Association, Director of the Doctors Hospital Dr. Meyer Rassin Foundation, Director of the Rotary Club of East Nassau, and past Director of the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce.
She is presently a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), member of the American Hospital Association (AHA), and a member of the American Society of Strategic Marketing & Development (SHSMD). Mrs. Moodie uses her keen business insight and experience to succeed in any business venture with expertise in Marketing, Healthcare, Strategic Planning, Operations and Business Administration.
Michele Rassin-Moodie is long time resident of Beach Lane, Sandyport, and is married to Brian Moodie of RMS Insurance Agents and Brokers. Mrs. Moodie has served on the Board since 2014.
Cameron Carey 
Craig Lines 
Mr. Craig Lines has been a resident of Sandyport since 2007. He and his wife, Kim live on Governor’s Cay with their two teenage sons.
Craig previously served on the Sandyport Board in 2011. He holds degrees in Management and Economics and has worked in the financial markets for over twenty-five years. He currently serves as a board member on a number of public and private companies.
Craig enjoys the ocean, boating, water sports, skiing and tennis with his family and friends.
To: The shareholders of
Sandyport Homeowners Association Limited
Take Notice that the Annual General Meeting of the Company will take place at the Gazebo located in Phase 5 (adjacent to the pond) on Thursday July 30th, 2020
voting extended hours 1:00pm to 5:00pm.
meeting commencing at 5:30pm.
Forms of Proxy are hereby circulated to shareholders for those who wish to have someone else represent them or to cast their vote. On completion of the form of proxy, same should also be sent to the Secretary via the Office on or before Wednesday the 15th day of July A.D. 2020. Where shares are held by companies, the company must send in a form of proxy designating an individual to cast the vote on its behalf.
Forms of Proxy are hereby circulated to shareholders for those who wish to have someone else represent them or to cast their vote. On completion of the form of proxy, same should also be sent to the Secretary via the Office on or before Wednesday the 15th day of July A.D. 2020. Where shares are held by companies, the company must send in a form of proxy designating an individual to cast the vote on its behalf.
Nominations to serve on the Board of Directors will be accepted until Wednesday July 15th, 2020. Nominations should be made by email to nominees@sandyportmanagement.com and include a short biography together with a photograph.
Shareholders who are joint owners or owners as tenants-in-common must send in to the Company Secretary (in care of the office) in writing the name of the shareholder who they have authorised to cast the vote on behalf of the said joint owners or tenants – in –common. Dated this July 25th, 2020
Robert Sands
Download notice and proxy forms
- The Chairman will call the meeting to order.
- It will be determined whether the requirements for a quorum have been satisfied.
- To review and adopt the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of the Company.
- To elect Three (3) Shareholders to serve as Directors of the Company for a period of Two (2) years (Article no. 25).
- To review the audited Financial Statements for the financial year ending December 31st, 2019.
- To consider and approve the Budget for the financial year 2020.
- To receive, consider and adopt the report of the Directors.
- To approve of the appointment of auditors for the ensuing year and to authorize the Directors to fix the remuneration of the Auditors.
- Any shareholder entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Company shall be entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in the members stead and the proxy holder need not be a member of the Company.
- Proxies shall be either left at the Sandyport Management Office in Olde Towne, or communicated to the General Manager, via email. Proxies must be received at least fourteen (14) days before the start of the meeting (Article no. 46).
- Election of Directors shall be by secret ballot. Every member present in person or by proxy shall have one vote for each share held.