Announcements News

Automatic entry system

In September 2010, we carried out a poll to establish if residents of Sandyport would welcome an automatic entry system. The findings were very favourable and one has been installed at the middle gate of the main entrance and also the Eastern entrance gate.

The system works by reading a barcode that is attached to the right side of the vehicle at a height of about 50″ from the ground (plus or minus 12″) then automatically opening the barrier for authorised barcodes on entry only. The barcode is printed on a decal that will require application by our Security department.

We are pleased to confirm that the price for the decal has been set at $50,  lower than the originally anticipated price of $100. We will be carrying out installation of the decals from March 1, 2011 and residents wishing to purchase them should observe the following guidelines:

  1. One decal needs to be applied per vehicle that requires automatic entry, therefore each additional vehicle requires the purchase of another decal
  2. To purchase a decal first pay the $50 one-time non-refundable fee at the Management office, you will be issued with a receipt containing the barcode number which will need to be presented on installation
  3. Contact our Security department on 327 6943 and arrange a time to apply the decal
  4. During installation, the Security department will confirm the location of the decal with the driver, test that the position works with the reader then apply it upon confirmation
  5. If the decal becomes damaged, a replacement decal may be purchased (no exchanges)
  6. The decals are not designed to be transferred from one vehicle to another as they will become damaged in the process; therefore if a vehicle is being replaced, allow for the purchase of a replacement decal
  7. If the vehicle is sold or no longer requires automatic entry, notify our Security department so that the barcode number may be deregistered from the system, thereby disabling the vehicle’s ability to enter automatically


Announcements News

Security updates – February 2011

Warm Greetings to our Residents.

Thankfully, January was yet another quiet month for Security.

There are few noteworthy changes within the Security Department, firstly, as you may have noticed the Security Officers are wearing new uniforms. The uniform has changed from white shirts and aqua pants and skirts. It is now white shirts, black pants or skirts, and black caps.

Secondly, new bicycles were purchased for the Security Officers to use. The bicycles will assist greatly with the Officers responding quickly to emergency calls.

There are some reminders I would like for all Residents to keep in mind.

  1. All boat owners please stop by and inform Security when you are expecting a boat mechanic to remove your boat off the property to be repaired or serviced. Boats will not be allowed to leave otherwise. There are occasions when we have to track down the boat owner for verification. However, if boat owners leave instructions with Security it will make the process smooth for all parties.
  2. The visitor badge system is progressing well. We are still experiencing resistance from some visitors. With this in mind, I would like to encourage all Residents to inform their Service Workers to enter and exit through the Service Gate.
  3. If you are having work done to your home and there is a need to use a ladder, have the contractor secure it before they leave.
  4. There is an increase of speeding not only visitors but by residents. Please remember that the speed limit is 15 mph.
  5. Please be reminded that there will be no work permitted on the weekends. Some Residents mislead Security by informing them that they are expecting guests who are later found working on their property. Consequently, they are then escorted out by Security or asked to leave. The only exception to this rule is in cases of emergencies.
News Policies

Security updates – December 2010

Warm Season’s Greetings to our residents!

Thankfully, November was a quiet month in Sandyport. Just a friendly reminder to all residents to  please remember to take along a doggy bag when walking your dogs. We have noticed an increase in incidents with dogs. There are occurrences where the doggy bag with the waste in it is thrown on the side of the road, please consider other residents when walking the dog.

Christmas party guests

It is the time of the year when residents host their Christmas parties and family get-togethers.  In order to ensure guests are not held up at the Security gate for clearance, please send a list of expected guests to the Security control room the day before the event. The list should include the visitor’s names as well as the total amount of persons expected.

Family and friends listing

If any resident has family and friends that frequent the property and do not want them to be held up at the gate. Please  provide a list of these persons to Security to keep on file. Security will otherwise carry out their expected duty of calling for each person not on the list without any exceptions.

Visitor badges

As previously mentioned, all workers including construction workers, gardeners, and contractors will be issued visitor badges on arrival at the service entrance. The new procedure commences December 13, 2010, initially with construction workers. In order to make this process flow please remind your private gardeners and service workers that they are not to use the main entrance. They are required to use the service entrance for entry AND exit. The only exception will be female pedestrian workers that have been pre-registered by their employers.

We are presently carrying out an exercise of obtaining the names of the maids and their employers. If a worker is terminated, please inform security so that we can ensure that disgruntled workers are not permitted on the property.

Removal of property by third parties

In the event that a resident requires a third party to collect private property (such as a boat or jet ski), please notify security of the details of the property to be removed for identification purposes together with the party authorised to collect the same. When the property exits the estate, security will identify it and contact the owner with details in order to verify that it is the correct item being removed.

Stray pets

We have set up various traps to help humanely capture stray pets (specifically dogs). We would like residents to take care and ensure that their pets are not able to roam freely as they may be caught in one of the traps and ultimately end up in the care of the Humane Society if we are unable to contact the owner within 48 hours.

Resident pet owners may consider including an emergency telephone number on their pet tags, allowing security to quickly reunite a captured pet with its owner.

Announcements News

Golf cart donation

After seeing the poor condition of our golf carts while being operated at night, which is an essential part of our security service to you, one of our Homeowners has kindly donated this 4-seater cart.

The Association has also purchased another similar cart from the same supplier who offered a preferential deal for both units. We would like to express our sincere thanks to the donor, who has requested anonymity.

Announcements News

Security update – September 2010

Greetings to All Residents:

September was another quiet month in Sandyport. As the year comes to a close, the Security Department pledges to continue being vigilant and aggressive in our effort to keep our Homeowners safe.  As we are all know Halloween is celebrated at the end of October and as customary, it will be celebrated in a big way at Sandyport. I wish to assure you that Security will be highly visible during the Halloween festivities.  However, there are a few safety tips I would like for you to keep in mind during this celebration:

  1. Please have your invited guest use the main gate. For Security purposes, no trick or treaters will be allowed access through the Service entrance.
  2. Please ask your guest to state the name of the residents who invited them. Security will not be allowing any uninvited trick or treaters on to the property.
  3. Please advise your guest that everyone is expected to be off the property by 10p.m.

Updated Procedures:

We are progressively improving our procedures with regards to visitors and workers.  The present procedures are as follows:

  1. The resident should call and inform Security that they are expecting guest or workers, (e.g. contractors).
  2. On the arrival of the guest, the resident is called by Security to confirm that the person at the gate is indeed the person the residents are expecting.
  3. If the visitor is a contractor they are directed to the service entrance where their name, company’s name, car’s license plate number is recorded by the Diarist.

Automated entry system – poll

We are considering a new automated entry system that would open the barrier for an authorised vehicle automatically on arrival at the main entrance to Sandyport.

The cost of the system would be funded by the sale of bar codes that would be applied to resident’s vehicles. The purpose of this poll is to determine the number of residents that would be interested in purchasing a bar code label for their vehicle. The cost per bar code is expected to be approximately $100 per vehicle based on 150 vehicles and would be a one time charge.

[poll id=”2″]


Security update – July 2010

Warm Greetings to our new and existing Residents!

We are pleased that July was once again an uneventful month from the perspective of Security. There were no major incidents to report, however there are steps both the Security department and Residents can take to maintain a safe environment.

To all Residents:

  1. Always remember to close your garage door at night.
  2. Lock all doors at night.
  3. It is important that you do a background check on all workers who are going to be rendering their services to you.
  4. When we stop taxis at the gate and ask to see the resident in the back seat or we ask you to roll down your car window we are just trying to be extra cautious, especially at night.
  5. Report incidents and suspicious activities immediately.
  6. When you are going off the island, remember to fill out the ‘Going away’ form on so we can be aware of this during your absence.
  7. If you have workers such as contractors and persons working on any of your property who are supposed to be working within a specific period, please inform security if this is likely to be exceeded to prevent delays in granting them access.
  8. If you are doing any kind of renovations around your home, please remember to secure your ladders at night. If you need assistance to help you secure the ladders contact security and we will place them in a secure location.

To our new Residents:

  1. The telephone contacts for Security are: 327-6943 (Main Guardhouse) and 327-1967 (Service Gate), please do not hesitate to call whenever the need arises.
  2. If you have not given your phone contacts to Security, remember to do so as soon as possible.
  3. The Canal Gate opens at 7am daily and closes an hour after sunset every evening. If you experience difficulty with your boat when out to sea please call and inform security so we can open the gate upon your arrival.
  4. There is no fishing allowed in Sandyport Canals.
  5. We would appreciate a phone call when you are expecting guests, this will ensure that they not kept waiting at the gate.
  6. We are constantly improving our Security Department , if at any time you feel an officer is being negligent in their duties, do not hesitate to contact the Head of Security or the Supervisor on duty.

New ‘away instructions’

Going away?We have created a new section on the website for owners that wish to leave specific instructions with security during their absence.

Simply complete the form and the information is sent securely directly to our Head of Security for processing.


Bahamas Forum on Crime

In a rare opportunity for the public to meet the Commissioner of Police and a popular Member of Parliament whose path to politics was inspired by a crime that touched his life, Bahamian Forum announced today that it will host a public discussion on crime next week.

“Crime is the number one issue on the minds of people in this country,” said Dr. David Allen, founder of Bahamian Forum. “It is not only crime that hurts us as a people, but the fear of crime that cripples us as a society. Because it is so important, we have chosen crime as the very first topic to be discussed as we mark the re-launch of Bahamian Forum. I am very pleased to announce that our speakers will be Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade and Member of Parliament for Bamboo Town Branville McCartney, former chairman of the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce Crime Committee.

The event, Bahamian Forum, Crime Uncorked, will take place on Wednesday, July 7, at Barnacles “formerly the Oyster Bar”, Sandyport, West Bay Street beginning at 7 p.m.. Waterfront seating will be set up to accommodate the anticipated crowd.

This will be the first Bahamian Forum to be held at a waterfront setting, and an opportunity to get up close and personal with the Commissioner of Police who is trying very hard to combat this epidemic in our nation and with Bran McCartney who has been outspoken about the hidden costs of crime to us and our need to be part of the solution,” said Dr. Allen, who spent the past two years studying and tracking the impact of crime on Bahamians. An internationally recognised psychiatrist, author and popular speaker, Dr. Allen founded Bahamian Forum, described as a national think-tank, in 1985 to provide an open platform for timely topics. Past sessions have ranged from the place of sports heroes to the Mudd and Pigeon Pea, an in-depth look at immigration issues.

The next session will focus on education including the rights and responsibilities of parents. That date will be announced later, but will be prior to the start of the school year.

Seating for the July 7 event is limited and interested persons are advised to arrive early.

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