
Hurricane Matthew Clean Up

The Association is not responsible for hurricane preparedness and clean up of private gardens.

Due to the extensive damage caused by Hurricane Matthew, we will be carrying out a complimentary basic clean up of all gardens. After the hurricane clean up contractor has completed their work on the gardens, the gardening contractor will be able to service them.

As a result of the massive disruption, the gardening cycles have been reset to allow the gardening service to follow the clean up. Please expect interruptions in normal service for the next 2 weeks whilst we prepare the property.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.

One reply on “Hurricane Matthew Clean Up”

These poor guys must be so overwhealmed. I’m sure you brought extra hands in to help. No way they could handle it on their own. Indeed everyone is exhausted. A lot of work (and expense) before and after the storm. Thank you for taking care of us.

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