Warm Greetings to our Residents.
Thankfully, January was yet another quiet month for Security.
There are few noteworthy changes within the Security Department, firstly, as you may have noticed the Security Officers are wearing new uniforms. The uniform has changed from white shirts and aqua pants and skirts. It is now white shirts, black pants or skirts, and black caps.
Secondly, new bicycles were purchased for the Security Officers to use. The bicycles will assist greatly with the Officers responding quickly to emergency calls.
There are some reminders I would like for all Residents to keep in mind.
- All boat owners please stop by and inform Security when you are expecting a boat mechanic to remove your boat off the property to be repaired or serviced. Boats will not be allowed to leave otherwise. There are occasions when we have to track down the boat owner for verification. However, if boat owners leave instructions with Security it will make the process smooth for all parties.
- The visitor badge system is progressing well. We are still experiencing resistance from some visitors. With this in mind, I would like to encourage all Residents to inform their Service Workers to enter and exit through the Service Gate.
- If you are having work done to your home and there is a need to use a ladder, have the contractor secure it before they leave.
- There is an increase of speeding not only visitors but by residents. Please remember that the speed limit is 15 mph.
- Please be reminded that there will be no work permitted on the weekends. Some Residents mislead Security by informing them that they are expecting guests who are later found working on their property. Consequently, they are then escorted out by Security or asked to leave. The only exception to this rule is in cases of emergencies.