The Board of Directors of the Sandyport Homeowners Association met at a Board Meeting on December 11, 2010 and set the Association’s Annual Assessment Fee for 2011 at $2.75 per square foot.
The 2011 budget is attached and the changes will take effect from January 1, 2011, to be billed in December 2010.
We are also pleased to confirm that there will be a number of payment options available:
1. Payment in full by January 15th for the 2011 assessment will receive a 3% discount, which can be deducted at the time of payment.
2. Monthly – due on the first day of each calendar month, commencing January 2011.
3. Quarterly – due on the first day of January, April, July and October.
4. Half yearly – due on the first day of January and July.
You will receive your 2011 assessment invoice in full later this month and be able to select your payment options at that time.
4 replies on “2011 Assessment Notice”
I am just wondering why we do not Christmas Decorations or lights at the entrance to Sandyport. In fact, I don’t see any Christmas lights or decorations on any common ground areas in Sandyport. Thank you.
Good Morning Mr. Simpson,
We haven’t received instructions to decorate any of the common areas. We will check to the new boards position on this. Thank you
House # 41, we have this samll dead end street, we realy need a sign to show that ithis is a dead end street, cars come speeding in here, to find out that they have to reverse out, in doing this, some damage our properties, since it is so narrow, it is a hard to back out. If we had a sign, it would be helpful. Today, for example 3 cars came trough here looking for Sand Dollar island, one was a rude truck driver. We would very much appreciate this.
Thank you
Mrs. Lotmore.
We are aware of this. And will be placing up those signs early next year. Thank you