The Board of Directors has determined that water shall be charged at the rate of $0.026 per gallon in order to eliminate the losses incurred through it’s provision of water. The Association presently purchases water at the higher commercial rate and the Directors are attempting to have Water & Sewerage Corp. reconsider the billing structure with a view to a reduction. If successful, the water charges to all homeowners will be adjusted at that time. The new rate becomes effective January 1, 2011.
Water consumption shall also be billed quarterly in advance based on estimated consumption and adjusted each quarter. The next water billing cycle takes place in December and will include a further line item for estimated consumption for the next 3 months. Therefore, the bill will show the present quarter’s consumption at the present rate of $0.0186 per gallon (less a credit for interim charges) and the next quarter’s estimated consumption, at the new rate. The $5 meter reading charge, which was historically added to the consumption, will no longer apply.