
Security update – July 2010

Warm Greetings to our new and existing Residents!

We are pleased that July was once again an uneventful month from the perspective of Security. There were no major incidents to report, however there are steps both the Security department and Residents can take to maintain a safe environment.

To all Residents:

  1. Always remember to close your garage door at night.
  2. Lock all doors at night.
  3. It is important that you do a background check on all workers who are going to be rendering their services to you.
  4. When we stop taxis at the gate and ask to see the resident in the back seat or we ask you to roll down your car window we are just trying to be extra cautious, especially at night.
  5. Report incidents and suspicious activities immediately.
  6. When you are going off the island, remember to fill out the ‘Going away’ form on so we can be aware of this during your absence.
  7. If you have workers such as contractors and persons working on any of your property who are supposed to be working within a specific period, please inform security if this is likely to be exceeded to prevent delays in granting them access.
  8. If you are doing any kind of renovations around your home, please remember to secure your ladders at night. If you need assistance to help you secure the ladders contact security and we will place them in a secure location.

To our new Residents:

  1. The telephone contacts for Security are: 327-6943 (Main Guardhouse) and 327-1967 (Service Gate), please do not hesitate to call whenever the need arises.
  2. If you have not given your phone contacts to Security, remember to do so as soon as possible.
  3. The Canal Gate opens at 7am daily and closes an hour after sunset every evening. If you experience difficulty with your boat when out to sea please call and inform security so we can open the gate upon your arrival.
  4. There is no fishing allowed in Sandyport Canals.
  5. We would appreciate a phone call when you are expecting guests, this will ensure that they not kept waiting at the gate.
  6. We are constantly improving our Security Department , if at any time you feel an officer is being negligent in their duties, do not hesitate to contact the Head of Security or the Supervisor on duty.

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